3rd Party Fundraising Guidelines
- Any use of the McLean Hospital logo must meet standards as outlined in the McLean Hospital Logo Policy (can be made available by request). Please reach out to Ben at bogilvy@mgb.org for more information.
- Events must comply with all federal, state and local laws governing charitable fund-raising, gift reporting and special events.
- McLean Hospital is not financially or otherwise liable for the promotion and/or staging of fundraising events by any third-party organization or individual. The sponsoring organization/individual may not incur any financial or other obligations on behalf of McLean Hospital.
- Third-party fundraising organizations/individuals must provide insurance certificates as required by local, state and federal laws. McLean Hospital cannot be held responsible in any way for casualties and/or situations that occur at your fundraising event/promotion.
- Massachusetts has strict regulations governing raffles and gaming events carried out for charitable purposes. Event organizers may obtain more information on the rules governing the conduct of raffles and other “games of chance” in Massachusetts by contacting the Department of the Attorney General, Division of Public Charities, One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, or telephone at (617)727-2200.
- If the sponsoring organization/individual plans to solicit contributions, sponsorship or in-kind gifts from area businesses, the list of potential business sponsors must be reviewed and approved by the McLean Hospital before being approached in any way.
Please note: these guidelines are adapted from Guidelines for Planning a Fundraising Event to Benefit McLean Hospital. For more information about these guidelines, please contact Ben at bogilvy@mgb.org.